Director of Analytics

Media Management
Job Overview
After 2 iterations of the class Integrated Marketing Communications, I finally make it to the executive team. As the Executive Director of Analytics, I was in charge of everything data related. Primary research, Campaign Analytics, and data science instruction.
My Contributions
I contributed in data development and management through projects and events with a team of 6 people.
  • Early Alumni Focus Group: To counter a gap in primary information about Early Alumni, I set up an online focus group to find the holes in our Creative Brief.
  • Data Exercises: Orchestrated and presented product managers how to understand, interpret, and evaluate analytics according to their campaigns.
  • General Management: Helped with operations around events and approving content.
WWU Marketing Program
Analytics Director
January 2024 - April 2024
Western Washington University Marketing Class - Applied IMC

Being an analytics executive for Applied Marketing Analytics was one of the most beneficial experiences of my career so far

Being able to instruct product managers on how to interpret campaign analytics with the marketing funnel/user journey was difficult but rewarding. These exercises helped solidify the connections between the user journey and the marketing funnel using analytics.

On top of this, I helped with brand management and altering key analytics in our creative brief. Especially with out target markets. Since we had 4 different target markets at the time, updating that many pages proved to be hard but not impossible.