Product Manager

Product Manager for AIMC
Job Overview
As a product manager for the Integrated Marketing Communications class, I was in charge of leading a team of content creators through a product campaign. We were able to create a marketing website page focused on equity and inclusion within the program.
My Contributions
I helped lead a team of 6 content creators through product development, production, distribution and promotion.
  • Team Tracking: Kept track of team requirements and motivations through Microsoft teams, Trello and other software.
  • Product Tracking: Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure product success.
  • Creative Strategy: Implemented a creative product strategy that accomplishes our product and marketing goals.
  • Iterative Implementation: Continuously seeking ways to improve the product based on feedback and performance data.
  • Quality assurance: overseeing product quality and keeping it consistent with brand values/product goals
As a Product Manager for the Applied Integrated Marketing Communications (AIMC) class within the Marketing program at Western Washington University, I had the rewarding opportunity to lead a team of six talented content creators. Our primary objective was to develop and implement a comprehensive product strategy for an equity and inclusion website dedicated to the marketing program.

Project Overview: Our project focused on creating a dynamic and user-friendly website designed to promote equity and inclusion within the marketing program. The website aimed to serve as a valuable resource for students, faculty, and staff by providing information, tools, and support related to Accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI) initiatives. We strived to highlight the importance of ADEI in marketing and create a platform that encourages ongoing engagement and education.
Product Manager
Product Manager
September - December 2023