Content Creator (WWU)

Content Creator
Project Overview
Working as a content creator with 2 other peers through a product marketing campaign. We distributed 5 iterations of content on Tik Tok about engagement in the marketing program. This campaign was called the "Marketing Cake", my first real experience doing content marketing.
My Contributions
I was helping with multiple parts in the content creation process including:
  • Videography and editing content through multiple iterations of media products.
  • Utilizing core marketing concepts into creative strategies.
  • Analytics tracking and analysis through hubspot and Tik Tok systems.
Marketing Eggs Ingredient
Learning what it takes to be a content creator was easier said than done. This was my first class in Integrated Marketing Communications where I learned the inner workings of creative strategies. This is where I took my knowledge of the marketing funnel and user journey to integrate it into an actual campaign.

I was working with another content creator when we had the idea of creating a "Marketing Cake" for the program. We noticed there was a lack of engagement in the marketing program and wanted to curb it. We created iterations of videos that used an ingredient, and connected it to a part of the Marketing Program. For example, the eggs of the program was focused on the professor side and what they had to say.

A primary focus around this campaign was to make a better video with each iteration. Video analytics, user engagement, and commenting/liking were analyzed to find the problems of our content. This was an incredible opportunity to take part of and I would definitely do it again!
Content Creator
Content Creator
March 2023 - June 2023

Check out more Videos Here!


Gavin with the Marketing butter ingredient!